juantrip - balmy under the stormy(fcom, 1999)
the musical roots of French Juantrip aren't that hard. His debut album
is overflowed with an obvious passion for classic acts like Pink Floyd,
The Beatles, David Bowie and other late 60's and early 70's
psychedelica. Being brought up in a hippie commune this passion of
course includes a very liberal attitude towards drug-taking.
album's kind of naive and rather blunt lyrics, similar to those of
Swedish national-hippie Di Leva, have never really been that
fascinating to me. It's just detached beyond relevance. The electronics
involved are, in a funny way, charmingly out-dated. Not retro in any
usual sense, but at the same time everything but contemporary. Or to
put it another way: You get more of early 90's Shamen and less of late
90's advanced post-electronic wizardry.Powered by ScribeFire.
7/31/2007 |
Various - Megasoft Office 2003(Fcom, 2003)
Styrkkarit Laukee - Jori Hulkkonen
To Become….Cause It’s Better Than Remembering - Elegia
Shrink - Jay Alansky
Nightsong - Lo-Fi
Back In The Pit - Vista La Vie
Turn It Round Again - Alexkid
I Wanna Get Down - Aqua Bassino
Café De La Poste - The Youngsters
F.Me (Part 2) Altern Version 3 - Readymade FC
The Date by Sophia Domancich - Avril
Samiscience - Del Dongo
Reflection - Scan XPowered by ScribeFire.
7/31/2007 |
Various - Megasoft Office 2001 (Fcom, 2001)
A Reminiscent Drive - Ambrosia (20 Dec 2000 Bertrand Burgalat Cover)
Alexkid - Not Every Angel
Ready Made - Bold
Fréderic Galliano Presents Diefadima Kante - Batourou Dub
Nova Nova - Spleen
Aqua Bassino - Moon Light
Soul Designer - Softcause (Low Beat Mix)
Laurent Garnier - Greed (Avril Remix)
Jori Hulkkonen & Alexi Delano - Future Help
Llorca - I Cry (Ernest St Laurent Mix)
The Youngsters - Flightcase Pour Criquets
A Reminiscent Drive - Smokey MountainsPowered by ScribeFire.
7/31/2007 |
Various - Megasoft Office 2000(Fcom, 2000)
Elegia - Finally
Ready Made - So Hard
A Reminiscent Drive - Lift Every Voice
Nova Nova - Plaid (Aqua Bassino Mix)
Alexkid - U's Song (Early Mix)
Jori Hulkkonen - Whispers
Scan X - Infinty
Avril - Velvetblues II (The Off World Mix)
Laurent Garnier - Communications From the Lab
Llorca - The End (Silky Megasoft Dub)
A Reminiscent Drive - Ambrosia
Aqua Bassino - Ola
Laurent Garnier - Dance 2 The Music (Oxydent Mix)Powered by ScribeFire.
7/31/2007 |
Various - Megasoft Office 1998(Fcom, 1998)
Aqua Bassino - A Mellow Key
Jori Hulkkonen - You Don't Belong Here
Nova Nova - Bewildered (Piano Mix)
Elegia - Way Form 3 (If You Ever)
Chaotik Ramses - A Tribute
Llorca - Expectations (Direct From Venice)
Frédéric Galliano - Multiples Un
Ready Made - Tudy
Alexkid - I Think
Jori Hulkkonen - Summer Daze
A Reminiscent Drive - Fly Over BombayPowered by ScribeFire.
7/31/2007 |
Various - Megasoft Office 1997(Fcom, 1997)
Elegia - Way Form One (So Hard)
Ready Made - Saulbass Theme
Feedback - Seasons
Nova Nova Feat. Elisa - Bewildered
Chaotik Ramses - No Way Out
Aqua Bassino - Na Na's Waltz
A Reminiscent Drive - Footprints
Juantrip' - Downward Rush Of The Streams
A Reminiscent Drive - N.Y.C. Dharma
Aqua Bassino - IbizaPowered by ScribeFire.
7/31/2007 |

A Reminiscent Drive - Mercy Street(Fcom, 1997)
is the time for the survivors. The new century has digested easy techno
music and computerized control. Now, what we need is a total cultural
understanding of all things musical, like having a well developed sense
of mental gymnastics. And that's exactly what Jay Alansky has. He
always has, since the pre-punk and decadent folk music of the Beautiful
Losers and since the "Price of Love", his double album obsessed with
Spector, Rundgren and the Beach Boys.
Afterwards, with the "A
Reminiscent Drive" project, he gave us Balearic House along with
reinvented electronic, brought the British techno scene to its knees
with "Mercy Street" and "Ambrosia" became a classic of lounge and of
its compilations. All this without sampling and without computers, by
appropriating Burt Bacharach, the Residents or R. Gottehrer. Jay
Alansky invented downtempo before its time. In the meantime he wrote
for Julien Clerc, Lio and Jil Caplan and offered the Innocents their
first big hit. Jay Alansky?s inspiration all along came from delving
into that giant jukebox that serves as his brain.
We can not help
but evoke, when listening to a piece like "Un maximum de lumière", all
that prophetic German electronic rock in the style of Can, Neu or Amon
Duul2. When we hear the reverb-inundated voice some may think there is
homage to John Cale or Brian Eno. ? Or those from the nineties? they'll
speak of chill-out or dark ambient.
- Patrick Eudeline Powered by ScribeFire.
7/31/2007 |
Luke Vibert - Chicago, Detroit, Redruth(Planet Mu, 2007)
Cornish electronic producer Luke Vibert returns with 'Chicago Detroit
Redruth', the third album to be releasedunder his own name and his
first for Mike Paradinas' PlanetMu. Renowned for his eclectic mix of
electronic genres 'Chicago Detroit Redruth' is no exception, a
blistering mix of drum 'n' bass, breaks, trip hop and acid, the album
cements Vibert's place as one of the UK's most original producers
alongside Aphex Twin and Squarepusher.Technorati Tags:
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7/20/2007 |
Efdemin - Efdemin(Dial, 2007)
Berlin-based Efdemin looks set to join der Klub, with his debut
full-length largely flitting around between these dusky colourings
while adding a few of his own. Berliner Phillip Sollmann apaprently
studied music (in Vienna - ooh!), cultivating an interest in more
static forms (e.g. La Monte Young, Charlemagne Palestine, Phil
Niblock), so he's no slouch. And like his label-mates, he may be a DJ,
but is decidedly not what he plays. Sollman's smart techno is not
especially weird on top but distinctly wired at heart, tapered down
basslines and smart beats playing host to smoke and shimmer, ripples
and stabs. Efdemin stays clear of Pantha's self-grooming sulk-zone,
remaining largely on the lightside, with sometimes an inscrutable
speech sample puzzle to pique. Freer-spirited, certainly, and less
generically cultivating 'mystique,' though without getting all
uber-gloomy and goth-veiled on you, mysterious ways are occasionally
moved in, a touch of creamy-dark dreamscape being whorled into the
whirl of its sub-genre worlds.Technorati Tags:
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7/20/2007 |
Duplex - Late Night Driving(Clone, 2006)
long awaited debut album of Duplex. Produced in the suburbs of
Rotterdam, Duplex are suppliers of deep inner city techno of the
highest quality. 11 Timeless tracks perfect for the dance floor or as a
late night soundtrack for driving through the city. People who heard
previous Duplex releases know their quality and their love for true
techno. Atmospheric tracks with several layers of sounds... deep
driving bass lines, beautiful synths and smooth but dirty drum
machines. Essential album!Technorati Tags:
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7/20/2007 |
Various - Folk Is Not a Four Letter Word: Compiled By Andy Votel
(Delay, 2005)
Electric Folk? Hippy-Rock? Acid Folk? Sunshine-Pop? Folk-Fusion?
Folksploitation? Once again music lovers struggle to bridge the deep
& wide gully where another hybrid genre wanders lonely amongst the
vinyl ghosts of yesteryears ethereal love songs. Let us introduce a
flock of unsung songbirds who flutter between rocks and hardened
pastures too commercial to be traditional - not successful enough to be
credible - from the wrong side of town - on the other side of the
globe. Here are some of the would-be folk legends that you didn’t read
about, they never played the festivals and you never heard their
records... until today.Technorati Tags:
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7/20/2007 |
apparat organ quartet - apparat organ quartet
(skelt, 2002)
Apparat Organ Quartet is an Icelandic band founded in 1999 by Jóhann
Jóhannsson, a noted Icelandic composer and musician. The band, which
plays several different organs and uses other devices such as a
vocoder, has a sound reminiscent somewhat of German band Kraftwerk.
Apparat, though based in Reykjavík, has played throughout Europe and
won acclaim for their interesting sound.Technorati Tags:
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7/20/2007 |
7/20/2007 |
7/20/2007 |